Over the last few weeks the 1st and 2nd Reich digs have taken an absolute hammering. Both digs are simply the widest sections of the rift as it tightens to the west, one above the other, and the strong draught suggests they are a good lead. What's more, following heavy rain at the end of May a stream could be heard beyond!

I've taken a fancy to the top (2nd) dig and over 4 trips have now progressed about 2m to the top of a vertical drop down to the floor below. This offers a tantalising view of a clean-washed, rift passage heading off. Unfortunately the drop down is too tight to get along so progressing any further here will take a lot of effort.

The dig face back at the end of May

Meanwhile Joe has been working the lower dig, and whilst he had a slow and frustrating start, last night saw some great progress and he too now can see into the next passage. We even have visual contact between the two ends. 

This now makes 1st Reich the most promising looking dig and I'm hopeful that in the next trip or two this should be able to be passed. Fingers crossed the passage beyond is big enough to fit along!

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