Evening trip with Simon, Dave and TimW (SUSS).

Firstly Simon and Dave got digging, whilst me n Tim surveyed from the small shakehole up near the edge of the field, down to the entrance. This shakehole is thought to be directly above the boulderchoke we are currently digging, so we'll see what the survey says once tied in.

With four people we were able to kibble spoil all the way out of the dig, and so could also turn the water off, allowing the digging to speed up. Unfortunately after ~1:30 hours the air at the end started to deteriorate quite badly so we had to retreat. Before leaving me n Simon completed a survey of the dig, which now also needs tieing into the main model, and then set the water going again...

Finally me n Dave had our last after-caving pint in the Wanted Inn. What a shame it's closing, not sure we're gunna get on as well at the Devonshire Arms in Peak Forest.......

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