So after nearly 6 months Team Awesome were back together and we had planned a trip to Nettle pot for Jon’s last trip before he left us again. We planned to go down Elizabeth and through the sting, Neither Rob or I had ever been through and it needed surveying so we thought we would kill two birds with one stone.
We met at Rob's house and headed over to Nettle. After a quick catch up, some Hobgoblin (Rob's gift) and a bag of Polish bacon frazzles (Jon's gift) we got dressed and headed up the hill. At the entrance we found two cavers on their way out, they said that there was 3 more on the way up, so us being typical Eldon members decided that they could wait and we would pass them. I’m surprised that Rob could fit his head down the narrows as one of the cavers recognised him, her words ‘You’re everywhere and kind of a big deal’. Once we all hit the bottom Rob quickly rigged Elizabeth and headed off down.
After a bit of confusion we found the way on through a very narrow section and landed at the horrid looking ‘Sting’. It’s nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be and we all quickly passed the wet section, only Jon made a big deal of it as he’s a tight Yorkshire man and won’t fix his broken battery box on his light. Rob ‘Kind of a big deal’ Eavis hesitated at the next bit as he thought it looked far to tight and wasn’t sure that he could fit through, it’s only the entrance to the crawl that is very tight, it soon opens up to a snug crawl. With all three of us now through the wet and crawly bit we decided that we had plenty of time so Rob suggested that we go up to Four Ways Chamber to have a look around and to survey it. After a short crawl and a traverse across a small ledge you come into four ways chambers. After a quick look around Rob had a climb up right at the end and entered into a bedding plane, he got a bit excited at this.
The time had come to head off back. We surveyed our way out which was nice going through the 'Sting'. We had a quick stop at the bottom of Elizabeth to share some strawberry laces (Also Jon's gift). Back on the surface after abut 5 hours to a very foggy hill. Obviously we hadn't used a lot of energy as we even jogged back down to the car, although according to Jon I don't run right? Quick change and a drive over to the Anchor for a good bye pint.
Only 6 months to go and our Jon will be back for good!!!