Katie, Hal, Bernie, Dylan, Mark and Victoria

Katie had organized the Titan through to Peak trip on the day of the EPC AGM. There is not much of a better day to be had and also to know that you will be with the rest of the club later on. After my trouble on a long pitch in Yorkshire recently, I knew it was time to jump back on the horse. Katie sent me a text on Friday night to confirm we were all coming…I had some hesitation but just needed the extra nudge. We met up at the TSG for a welcome cuppa and some banter with friends. Since there were six, we decided we could do the trip in one group and still make it to the Anchor at five.

You can’t be in Derbyshire for very long without hearing about Titan and it’s not a trip to be missed. Hal had worked with the original gang on the entrance shaft all those years ago and still had never been in. Once we drove up to the top we figured out our order and headed in. None of it disappoints, from the engineering of the entrance shaft until that first glimpse of Titan itself. Dylan listened to half the directions as usual and found himself on the traverse line heading to Titan Steamway. That was fine, he just had to wait. Katie waited at the rebelay and quelled any hesitation I might have had. Time to turn all the lights on to take a good look at this giant. Once Katie, Dylan, Mark and I were at the boulders we noticed it was taking a longer time for Caver number five to make it over the ledge…we waited.  We knew they both were very experienced…it was too big to shout…just a huge echo of unintelligible noise. We did the usual chatting until Katie started to think of a long prussik up…after about 40 minutes we saw a light make its way over the ledge and down. Caver five had found himself in a “bit of a bother” with the rebelay and was looking for another way to release his cowstail. Using his hand jammer, it had become entangled around his foot. The rope had a lot of play so he had to use his knife to cut it free (oh this is familiar) and sent it sailing up past Hal’s head. Hal again had to navigate down the rope to get the jammer off so he could descend (oh yeah this is wayyyy familiar).

Once we all were safely down we took off our SRT kits and set off on the long crawl and twisting routes through boulders to find Peak. This trip has it all-waist deep water in beautiful streamways- a swirling whirlpool and great traverses-climbing and the unforgettable mud of colostomy crawl. Once we arrived at the junction for JH I could see the incredible pipe system. Nothing in here is short of stupendous engineering and determination. The large stemples through the roof left from long ago were imposing over our heads. Up and down all the ladders and laying in pools as we crawled along took a lot out of me but it was a wonderful adventure at every turn.

The final push and here were the muddy ducks. Time to scrub up and head out. You do my back and I’ll do yours. We made it out in the daylight and headed back to the TSG for a warm brew. Time to wipe our names off the board as out and head to our AGM. I won an award later in the evening for my epic F**k up previously but really it means more that when we all cave together we help one another, every step and every climb…epic. Thanks guys!

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