Just Joe and I for this evening's festivity. Finally, we made our way back to the bolt climb in victory level. We had left this for some time and I was itching to get back. That and wanting to do some more SRT pre-Albania.

Unfortunately, Joe had not remembered victory level very well and only brought a furry suit. Once I jogged his memory he assured me he would be okay as he was to be taking on the climb.

We made our way over to the lid in sweltering heat and quickly abseiled to the stream below. Victory level starts off knee deep before eventually going neck deep with potential to get your ear wet. I could tell Joe was cold by the noises he made on this section. 

Ones out of the water. We made it our way through the dig and up the sketchy handline climb towards the wheelbarrow which marks the base of the climb. The dick at the top of the first climb had collapsed and we had to dig a new way through which was easy after pushing some boulders out of the way. Another sketchy climb cum jump down the other side led to the large chamber with the wheelbarrow at the far end. 

Stepping over the wheelbarrow we placed all our gear out and started to kick Joe up to climb. Fully weighted down. He managed to bridge across a large drop to place the first bolt high up. He used approximately 10 bolts to gain the top of the climb roughly 12 m above the floor. From here the level went back on itself through a couple of constrictions passing a deep hole in the floor to eventually meet a rubble slope which led to A very fresh feeling choke.

Surely this must be close to surface and will be great once surveyed to see whereabouts it sits.

We made our way back out passing on the free dive option. And gladly got back to the 80 m Shaft to surface. Exiting about 11:00 p.m. 

Job done, box ticked. On to the next one.

Admiring T'owd Mans Barrow

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