Following on with our newly found selflessness, we spent much of this evening helping out the landowner at Cussey by cutting back the overgrown trees at the site, after a complaint from the Council. Our Awesome team obviously made light work of this, filling the road with vegetation and not even hitting one passing vehicle. All until I got a chainsaw stuck up a tree and needed another one sent up to free it. Luckily I’d learnt from the first one so didn’t get the second stuck too.

With our beer-fuel shenanigans completed we’d planned a quick trip down the other side of Cussey before making the Eldon pub meet. It was therefore with horror and disdain that I looked upon half the team donning not their furry suits but their jogging attire. It seems their Albania training is more targeting aerobic fitness than strength and fortitude. Through gritted teeth we bid them well and me, Chris, Joe and Hal headed down.

This was Hal’s second time down Cussey, since the initial breakthrough east, the first being actually on the day we broke through! However that night his size and our self-serving wankerness meant he remained the wrong side of the last squeeze as he listened to our hollers getting further away. I was keen therefore to see him through the constriction tonight (which has now been widened) and to enjoy the delights of Timewarp and beyond.

I rigged using the newish p-bolts and I realised this was the first cave I’d help found that has actually been p-bolted, which gave a weird, certain stamp of officialness to our discovery. Once down NCA pitch I followed by Chris but then was saddened to see Joe come next, rather than Hal. Turns out he wasn’t going to give it a proper second try and had returned to the surface. Maybe third time’s a charm.

Now with no other agenda we decided on a tick-box tourist trip for me to take these two to locations they’d not been before, and hopefully they’d think that was a worthwhile exercise, for more than just the exercise. First Walzernice seemed to impress them very slightly, so that was a good start. Second was the bitter end of Rocky Horror choke, heading towards Diceman which Joe was bolt climbing only last month. We got down the vertical squeeze dug back in 2021 but were stopped at a new mud collapse, preventing us from reaching the bitter end. This’ll take 30 mins to clear, but not today so we headed back out.

So not a very productive or satisfying evening, just box ticking and caressing landowner relationships, but at least the beer tasted good in the Mechanics.



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