First trip of our new plan; hit Black Draught till it (or we) break. Tonight was me n Joe's shift and after last trip this was going to be easy, so we enjoyed our sunny pre-beers leisurely. With no bag I got to the base of Inglorious in 6 minutes 30 and feeling pretty good we both headed into Dlack Draught. At the end is two faces (right and straight ahead). I went right and started my next hour's activity of hitting a rock till I got board then swapping to hit a different rock. Basically this dig desperately needs capping, especially as there's a thick layer of calcite holding everything together. 

Just to my left Joe was thankfully making much better progress. His way was mostly mud so although easier it was definitely sloppy AF. Stacking spoil to the sides is hard when it's liquid! 

After an hour we swapped sides, mostly to keep enthusiasm high and tbh we were both very cold by this point. We only lasted another 15 minutes. Back in Inglorious my arms were absolutely knackered, cold and certainly feeling yesterday's trip down here. And so began the long slog out, although my speed excuse was I carried a cylinder out that was dumped by the divers last week.

Certainly one of the hardest 2.5 hour trips I've done for a while.


A very knackered Rob

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