‘A’ Team once again assembled for an assault aimed at The Bitter End of Bagshawe. Joe, Sam and I met at 6pm and were underground for 6:30pm. Chris had already gone underground in advance with a taster of getting back into the swing of things after his jollys (Albania fit). We caught him up at Full Moon Chamber where he cajoled us on his ‘Tour de Baggers’ after missing the turn off for the Full Moon Series four times! We pressed on together to the top of MG where we parted ways with Chris and continued to the end. We made it there in an hour and I took first turn at the pointy end.

Digging was super easy this week (for me) as I’d remembered to bring a head torch so could leave my helmet further back, this gave me more movement at the end. Luckily Joe had done a cracking job last week enlarging the passage at the end in every direction, it reminded me of a bear den. I now had enough room to bring the kibble up next to me, dig ahead and fill it with ease. The sediment was super easy to cut through and I just continued to follow the obvious roof tube on the right which has approx. 3 inches of airspace and a few stal. I filled 10 kibbles, the last few containing a few larger rocks which were removed from the floor and then proceeded to give the floor to Sam.

Sam filled a further 10 kibbles but the sediment began to condense with a more finely packed gravel which proved digging to be a bit more laborious. Joe finished the shift with a further 5 kibbles (totalling 25) taking just over 2 hours. With a firm 9:30pm cut off we started the slog back out. It’s funny… there’s little to no conversation on the journey back to surface. Everyone has the same feelings, SHUT UP AND PRESS ON!

We made it to surface at 10:40pm taking a little over an hour to get out from the end. No banging headaches this evening so we could enjoy post beers and tangfastics at leisure! The end is looking good, the roof is rising and we’re seeing a change in sediment but it’s not getting any easier! Watch this space…

Mission complete (JRP)

When the tangfastic hits (JRP)

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