Joe, Sam and I this evening once again and we had agreed after the previous trip that the bitter end of Bagshawe was to be our destination. With the ease of access now that Madame Guillotine no longer required dragging SRT kits we were up for an easy trip – right?

We met and 6pm and was skipping down Bagshawe steps just before 6:30pm. We weren’t tonking it but we weren’t hanging about. Ticked off the usual waypoints; Snake Pyjama’s gate, Full Moon, French Connection, MG… To this point it was very easy due to the lack of dragging any bags. Different from what we’ve been accustomed to over the past few weeks (months) which has been walking and an 80m pitch. Now one can be up the pitch within a minute and gear off at the top and ready to progress to the end. It was Sam’s first time and he didn’t seem too convinced. (FYI Joe still couldn’t find his cows tails which he’d lost from when we bolted it!) Onwards to glory we set off on the crawlathon passing Dylan’s limit from the other week. We reached the end dig in exactly 1 hour.

I took the first stint at digging. The previous party had left it a bit cramped so I had to re-excavate the floor so I could get the kibble alongside me (still awkward). From here digging is the easiest part by far but it’s faffy dragging the kibble, turning it around and filling it up. (We need a couple of lengths of rope for next time). Also I think digging could me made easier by just using a headtorch and not having your helmet on! I did 10 kibbles before Joe took over to fill another 10. When it was Sam’s turn he declined and Joe carried on for a further few before we called it a day after 1 hour 45 mins at the end, now for the slog back out.

It felt slow progress coming back out and I had a stonking headache from all the crawling. MG was easy on the down climb and we were glad to finally get back to beyond the gate. We made surface at 10:30pm with the return trip taking 1 hour 15 mins. Sam produced a cheap belvita bar as a snack which went down a treat! Note to self; bring tangfastics next time!

Big enuf? Soulful Joe and his spanner (JRP)

Big Enuf? - Soulful Joe and his spanner (JRP)

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