A good team assembled to head down Nettle, 6 in total. Katie & Jeff rigged and headed underground at 2pm along with Stick and Jase who had a nosey over Stalagtite Passage. Tommy and I headed underground at 4.30pm and after eventually finding the entrance we made quick progress with help from our friend gravity. We met Stick and Jase at the bottom and bid them farewell. We met Katie and Jeff at the pitch heading down towards Suicide Pot. After a brief chat Tommy and I continued heading up the hard rigged firebeck Hall and along the far flats. Finally at the Freeze squeeze i managed to get through with relative ease on my second attempt, helmet and kneepads off. We slowly picked our way along Gour Passage before finally dropping to the lowest point in Derbyshire Hall. After a brief admire and making point that there was no draught present we made our return trip de-rigging en route. We emerged after 2hrs total trip and headed on to Castleton for food, beer and Eldon Xmas loiterings. Good night had, much better for me as I managed to see the following day, altough possibly not the same could be said for Tommy...
Derbyshire Hall - 22/12/18
- Details
- Written by: Jon Pemberton
- Hits: 2794