Eldon Hole
Near the end of 2014, various Eldon members increased their interest in pushing leads in Eldon Hole, starting with inspecting most of the historic digs and digging out old reports.
In April 2015 work started on the old Eldon PC dig, last dug in the 90s.
Members of the Buttered Badger PC have offered their support, making a strong team.
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- Written by: Sam Townsend
- Hits: 4065
Tuesday EPC trip - DaveC, JonP, Bog and SamT.
Having been lured over to climbing by light nights and dry weather since my initial trips, it was with an air of excitement that I met the guys at the parking spot. Boards were drilled and threaded and loaded onto shoulders. Keen to make up for the fact that I hadn't been involved much, I loaded up two sets of boards and pelicase and marched off up the hill. This soon became a stumble and I admitted defeat at the gate by the rake, dumping one set of boards there to be collected later. We soon had all the boards up the hill though and myself, bog and Dave set about lowering them down, whilst Jon went to the bottom to un hook them, which all went pretty smoothly. Scaffold next and the place was soon clanging like a campanologists convention.
Safely down, we carried everything through and I got my first glimpse down the shaft. Hell's teeth as Clive would say, its looking like a long way to the bottom and as I climbed down the greasy makeshift scaff ladder, I made a mental note not to fall off. I had a quick dig, filling about 10 buckets and loosened up a few bigger boulders in the floor which will need capping. Its a while since I've ruckled boulders with a crowbar and I'd forgotten how immensely satisfying it can be.
The loose pear shaped mallion was tightened on the way back up and after a brief dalliance with a farmers blonde on the way back, I was home, satisfied with a great evening. Poor Weather permitting. I'll be back next Tuesday!
Next team down I'm guessing will need to install the next ring and the boulders in the floor will need capping (or netting up possibly if you have enough hauling power).
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- Written by: Rob Eavis
- Hits: 4161
Wednesday 17th June - Rob Eavis
Whilst ascending the North Route after the survey trip I noticed an alcove in the western wall roughly 20m down from the surface. It was impossible to see right to the back wall and was of a good size. The subsequent 3D data suggested that this could be on a predominant bedding plan, the same as Convenience and Sidetrack, so my interest increased. A quick ask around found no report of it being entered recently, so I took it upon myself to inspect more closely.
A solo trip allowed me plenty of faff time, and after quite a bit of swinging about and rigging a few different ropes, I managed to get onto the entrance ledge without requiring any bolt placements. I quickly put one in for safety (and for the return) and had a look around. Unfortunately it didn’t take long, with only a short ramp up leading to a 1m drop to a muddy pocket. It looks like it is probably mainly just a solutional pocket, which has been formed on a tiny phreatic feeder prior to Eldon Hole being formed. However it’s not entirely clear as the roof wasn’t totally solid looking, with suggestions of boulders instead of solid rock, so I’m not sure.
Either way, no good looking way on, and a pleasant evening had.
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- Written by: Dave Cowley
- Hits: 3962
Tuesday 30th June 2015 - Jon P, Dave C, (Dan)
Another good session down Eldon. Firstly, all the junk that had previously been hauled out was loaded into Dan's truck, and taken away. Jon & Dave then got down the hole only to be greeted by a jackdaw (alive) at the bottom. Was this one of the pair "rescued" by the BBPC the previous week? If so they seem to be as keen on this place as us! Anyway we got around 50 buckets out, the base of the dig is looking better again, with plenty of small voids between rocks to entice us.
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- Written by: Jon Pemberton
- Hits: 3942
Tuesday 23rd June. Dave Cowley and JP.
after a later start we managed to pull out 30 buckets from the bottom of the dig. Hard going in mud and boulders which also left the main digger hauling at the bottom of the dog too. 50 buckets would have been easily achievable on a weekday evening with just two people if it were to happen again.
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- Written by: Jon Pemberton
- Hits: 3912
Tuesday 9th June - Hibberts, Cowley, 2x Pembertrons.
115 buckets pulled out in approx. 1hr 30min! Safe to say we all had dab on. knocked the boards down and about another metre down. Ready for another ring to go in on Thursday. Exited well in time for a cheeky pint.
(LOST!!! Bogs balls - last seen 02/06 down Eldon hole)
- sorry about that mate...