Kristian B, Rob M, Rob E and Joe B
Four of us met in the usual spot for another mid-week slop extravaganza in Vulgarious. Those of us who’d remembered the five Ps supped a beer as Rob 2 described how terrible diving is (I don’t think that was his intention), and we were soon headed over to the lid.
Up until this point the dig has managed to avoid too many corners and sharp protrusions, but after the last few sessions it had reached a dog leg which could mean a lot more work and bodies would be required. Rob elected to take a stint at the back to prove how easy the hauling was and that four was enough people. I took pole position at the face, with Kristian just behind me, and Rob 2 as a mid-point hauling rope changeover. My strategy was just to lie on my back with the tray on my front and just throw chunks over my head, trying not to fill my eyes with slop in the process. I’d then slide this down myself to my feet and worm my way back towards Kristian where, by the sounds of it, I would then cover him in filth as I kicked it towards him. This went well and we were managing to maintain a good rhythm with trays arriving just as required.
After about 3 or 4 m progress, the tantalising sound of trickling water and a bit of an echo could be heard ahead. The passage started to rise and open out to the point that I could start to progress just by ploughing my hands into the mud and making room as I went. After another few meters of this it popped out into a small chamber around 3m high and similar widths. At this point Kristian had started to grow concerned after I hadn’t replied for a while and he started to head through with the others hot on his tail. After pats on the back from my comrades to celebrate my first proper(ish) find, we began to look around for ways on.
We immediately spied the continuation of the passage at floor level which was an eye-hole with about an inch air space above the water and was generally uninviting. We inspected the roof, desperate not to have to investigate the previously spotted misery eye-hole. Mostly the roof is choked with no obvious way on, however, there was a small rift which could be accessed. Not wanting to trash any more neoprene we focussed on floor level. Rob had a quick dunk in the continuation, and concluded that whilst not ideal, it was drafting and therefore not sumped. It was floated (sorry) that if we could lower the water level then it may be possible to dig. The Robs set about shifting rocks in the chamber to clear a channel, whilst Kristian was lowering the floor in Vulgarious so the water would have somewhere to flow. The Robs were having an ordeal removing the rocks, to which Rob 1 suggested I have a go as “he’s really strong”. Much like every time I’m asked to open a jar, Rob 2 and I fumbled and slipped on it and left royally defeated. It was slightly disappointing the way on only looked to be getting more vulgar, however we vowed to return with a hammer and crowbar to tackle these next time and hopefully get the water running through more easily. There is plenty of stacking space, but it would probably benefit from the sand bags to contain the slop.
In the interest of determining what else to bring next time, Rob inspected up into the rift to see what may be required. We cowered at the side as he began to start kicking rocks down. It tightened significantly, however Rob suggested there was a vadose inlet at the side which is worth further investigation - maybe with an oversuit. Time was ticking on, so we made a hasty retreat through the now very spacious Vulgarious and back to the cars for beers and medals. From my perspective, I was ecstatic to add a minor contribution to the cave and excited to continue, even if this isn’t the way on. Same time next week?